
YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye [1000% Effective] | How to Increase Youtube Subscribers within Few Days ?

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Have you made a channel on YouTube? And Subscriber is not growing. In such a situation, there must have been a question in your mind that, YouTube Par Subscriber Kaise Badhaye Today we will give you the answer to this question. Stay with us from the beginning to the end. You will find the answer to your question. Let's start by saying that YouTube Subscribers
YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye

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YouTube Par Subscriber Kaise Badhaye (How to Increase Subscriber on YouTube)

New people who want to earn money by making a channel on YouTube , they have a lot of difficulty in increasing Subscriber in the early stages. Very few people know that the YouTube Subscriber You have to do a lot of fun. In such a situation, YouTube has also put a condition for enabling Monetization. If your Channel does not have Watch Time of 4000 hours and 1000 Subscribers, then your Monetization will not be enabled.

The new Youtubers have to do quite a lot in the early stages. Then go to Monetization is enabled on its channel. In such a way, Google or any other search engine researches, that YouTube Par Subscriber Kaise Badhaye And you'll also find lots of blogs, which will give you tips on increasing your YouTube Subscriber. But he is not very effective, or he is not legally. Because of which you may have to face difficulties in the future. In such a way, today we will give you some tips that will prove to be effective in increasing the Subscriber on YouTube. YouTube has a few tips about this which tell you what the subscriber has to say.

Method of making video

When you make a video, then you have to keep a few things in mind. Such as Video Quality, Voice Quality, Channel Intro etc. Let's know this in details.
YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye
Bhat Aasim

Video Quality

Quality of video should be very good. Subscribe to your channel of Video Quality from Viewers Impress. Video does not like to watch video with useless video quality. If possible, make a Video 720p quality only. Whenever you shoot a video, then lighting and camera should be kept correctly. Which will create a Quality Video

Video of Voice

Video Voice is also very helpful in increasing Subscriber. If the voice is useless then the viewers will leave the video and go to the other video. That's why voice should also be good. If possible, reduce the Background Noise. So that your voice can be heard well by the viewers. One must have Voice Clear.
Cheap cheap Mic's is available in the market, due to which you will be able to record sound quality. Whose price is quite cheap. Everyone can buy it. There are just some of the best Mics, which is also cheap. About that, we have written a different Blog in detail. You can also read it. The link below is given below.
When you record the voice, you do not have to speak in Slow Speed. Otherwise the viewers will not like it. And the video will be longer There should not be too much fast. Must be medium.

Video Intro

Channel intro at the beginning of the video Speak to Subscribe to Channel in Intro. People also subscribe because of intro. This tricks will prove to be quite beneficial. Nowadays the Animated and Hand Drawing Intro are quite popular. If possible, you should make the same intro. Animated Intro attracts more people to the logo.
There are many such software on the internet, with the help of which you can create animations. There are lots of paid too. But you do not need it. You can also use the service which you provide in Free. And good intro can create for your channel.

Communication with Viewers and Subscibers

This is most important. How do you create communication with Subscriber? There are several such sources that help you create engagement with new viewers. Let's learn all these sources in detail.

YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye
Bhat Aasim


Commenting is a good resource, making communication with viewers Keep the comment section enabled with your video. So whatever the viewers have to ask questions, they can ask you. If possible, try to answer all the questions. Because of which your communication will increase
Through comment, viewers can also tell you what they want. Through comment you can also know what viewers like to see. You can publish your new Video about it.

Social Media

Create your account on Social Media as well as your channel name. And tell viewers and subscribers that you can also follow them on social media. Because on Social Media, they will be able to communicate directly to you.
When you record Video, you should also talk about following social media within Video. All Links of Social Media should be put in the description. Because of which people can access your social account directly from the description.
When you have to publish a new video, tell it to Social Media 2 or 3 hours before. That your new video is coming. So everyone can know that Video is coming. And everyone will come online on YouTube at the same time.

Share the video so easily to social media. And speak to share. Because of this, more views will also come and Subscriber will also grow. Social Media has good weapons, increasing views and subscribber gain.

Promote the video.

YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye
Bhat Aasim

If you are promoting Video, you may find new Views and Subscriber. One thing to note is that your promotion should be right and legally. Nowadays there are many people who take money from you and talk about increasing your Views and Subscriber. It's just a scam, and nothing else. You may also have to suffer heavy losses.
YouTube also promotes your video. Where you have to pay YouTube some money in exchange for Promotion And in return YouTube Promote your Video Due to promotion you will get both good views and subscribers. YouTube is a good resource to promote video. And you can also run your own Ad Campaign on YouTube Pay.
Contact the large Youtubers that make up the video in the same category in which you are creating a video. And tell them to share your video in their Community Tab. Because of which their viewers will watch your video. And you can also subscribe to Channel as well. This tricks can prove to be quite beneficial for you.

You can also promote your video on Facebook. Facebook takes less money than others, to promote. And nowadays, most people on Facebook are active. There will be more Views and more Subscriber Gain. This is the best and the cheapest way for you.

Video of SEO

If there is a need for SEO to rank anything on the Internet. Without SEO, you will be able to achieve the first rank of luck. So you have to do SEO of video.
To SEO for Video, Title, Tag, Description and Thumbnail have to be kept in mind. Apart from this, there are no SEO tricks that can rank you. Only these fours are the game. Let's find out all these four in detail.

YouTube Subscriber Kaise Badhaye
Bhat Aasim


Title You must keep Video accordingly. If possible, use the Catchy Words in the title. Seeing Cathy Words also lets you click on the video. One thing to note is that what is in video should be in the same title. It is not something else in the video and some more in the title. Otherwise it will come in your Video Misleading Category And your YouTube Channel may also be tied.
You can write Title of Maximum 100 Words. No more than this. So you try to write Title to 100 Words.


Tag is the one that lets YouTube know what your video is about. When someone searches on YouTube, YouTube shows Result with the help of Tag. Put a tag about what video is about Due to tagging your video search will come in. Views and Subscriber will both grow.


Description is also very important. Many people leave it. Do not write the description below your video. Never do this. You should write about what your video is about in the description. Also, some important links should also be given. Like your Social Media Account This will prove beneficial for SEO.


Its the most important role, increase the visibility on Video Create a Thumbnail so that people can click here. Thumbnail should also be Catchy. One thing to remember is that the video that has the video should be about the same. Otherwise click Be bet.

I hope that the YouTube Par Subscriber has changed. You may have received information about it in detail. If there is any question then we can ask in the Comment Box. We will answer you. And tell us what your opinion about this blog is. Your opinion matters a lot for us. If you like the YouTube Par Subscriber kaise badhaye blog, then share it with others as well. Because knowledge grows only by lightning. Thanks buddies

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