
Find Mobile Phone Numbers on Facebook - How to?

    Do you want to find Someones Mobile Phone Number on facebook?? Then this Trick Surely helps you to find cell number with ease.Facebook has been growing so rapidly among all the social network, right now it the most popular social network in the world. I am connected to almost all my friends on facebook and other professional contacts as well, these days people kill so much of their time on facebook. Just in case last time when I lost my phonebook while transferring it from the old phone to the new phone, at that time I recovered the phone numbers of many of my friends via facebook.
    You can easily view his or her phone number by logging into your Facebook account. Contacts section of your Facebook profile show listing of Facebook friends along with their mobile phone numbers.
    Note: Only friends who have chosen setting to show phone number to other Facebook friends will have phone number listing along with their name.

How To:

    1. Open your Facebook profile by logging into your Facebook account at website. After successful login, goto Account > Edit Friends option at top right part of the webpage.
    2. This will open Friends page on Facebook website. Click on Contacts option on left sidebar (under Requests options). Now you should see “Phonebook contacts” webpage.
    3. Each Facebook friend will have mobile phone number listed under friend name. You can select the phone number and copy it for further usage or directly use it to phone call specific Facebook friend.

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