
11 Ways To Earn Money From Facebook Groups ? 11 Ways to Monetize Facebook Groups

Do you want to know how to monetize Facebook Groups?
Facebook Groups are good places for sharing, discussion and networking. They are also a gold mine where you get plenty of opportunities to earn revenue. For example, you can sell the stuff that may not be useful for you anymore but can help other people. For both sellers and buyers, it is a gain.
There are also many other ways to monetize Facebook Groups. You can see them in this article.

1. Buy and Sell

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There are plenty of “Buy and Sell” groups on Facebook, from baby clothes to second hand cars. Those groups are awesome because they give people an alternative choice to find what they need and to buy good stuff at a lower price. They also let people who share the common interests exchange information and find the best offers.
For local community, you can exchange your stuff and build relationship. For commerce and business, you can get in touch directly with your customers and drive sales.
You can use Facebook search tool to find and join those “Buy and Sell” groups that correspond to your niche. Or why not create your own “Buy and Sell” group?

2. Propose service

Like “Buy and sell” groups, there are also many groups for people to propose services or find jobs. Those groups are awesome for freelancers, job seekers, headhunters, HR consultants…
You can propose your freelance service (web design, SEO, writing, graphic design…), carpooling, home service, babysitting, teaching… and get paid for your work. You can also create your own service groups where professionals in your field can exchange insights, experiences and opportunities.
If you work in the human resources, you can share your job offers, collect CVs, interact with candidates and find the persons you need. Facebook Groups can be an effective communication and search channel.

3. Drive traffic

If you have a website, a blog or a Youtube channel, Facebook Groups can help you drive traffic.
You can share your links in group posts or comments. Write a short story to tell people what it is about and include a call-to-action to invite people to take a look. If group members like what you share, they may also share it in other groups or on their personal timeline. In this way, you can drive traffic to your blog or site, or get views for your videos to get paid.

4. Get paid per post click

If you work for your customers and help them get traffic to their sites, YouTube Channels, Facebook pages and groups, then you can explain to them how you get visitors and targeted audience for them and get paid per post click.

5. Collect donations

If you have a good project or if you work for a non-profit organization, Facebook groups are a great place to let people know about it. You can also create your own group only for people who are interested in your project.
You can share regularly news and updates about your project. You can ask your members to participate as volunteer or make a donation. You can inform your members how you use the donation, what you have achieved and don’t forget to thank them for their help.

For Group Admins

If you have created your own groups and are an admin, you may have your own ways to use Facebook Groups for your business or activity. There are 6 ways for admins to monetize Facebook Groups.

6. Manage your customers’ groups

If you work for an agency or if you offer social media and community service, you can introduce Facebook Groups to your customers. Let them know how valuable Facebook groups can be and how they can be used for business.
You can help your customers build and manage their groups, as member recruitement, member research and approval, posts and comments moderation, content curation, post publication, group information archive  …

7. Sponsoring & advertising

If you run a super active Facebook group, like a local community or fans forum, you can think about charging a fee for sponsoring and advertising in your group.
There are different forms. It can be a direct message or pitch in your group cover, description, post… Or you can write a recommendation, a story or organize an event for your sponsors.

8. Charge membership fee

If you are running some high value-added groups as a coaching or networking club and get opinion leaders, influencers or experts in it, you can charge a membership fee for people who want to join.
If your members can always get resources and support from your group, you can also propose a monthly subscription fee. Share useful information and expert insights in your group. Hold webinar with Facebook Live and organize online events for your members.

9. Fundraising

Like collecting donations, if you have a good project. You can let people learn about it through Facebook Groups. Share news and updates with your members. Ask their opinions and discuss with them. You can also raise funds from your group for your prototyping and product launch. Your members can buy from you at a lower price and get the delivery in a fixed date in the future.
If you are looking for a business angel or a venture capital, you can show your investors the potential of the groups you are running, as the engagement statistics, members participation and feedback… to convince them and get funded.

10. Sell business intelligence

If your group posts and comments contain valuable (business) information, you can organize and sell it. It can be a product, service or business catalog, a marketing survey, a field research…

11. Consulting & Coaching

Besides running a group for your customers, if you have experience and successful cases, you can also offer your expertise, as Facebook Groups consulting, coaching or research.
You can guide your customers to create and build their own engaging communities, help them analyze posts, comments, group activities and members’ engagement.
To engage your customers with Facebook Groups, you can read “How to Use Facebook Groups to Engage Your Customers
To see how people use Facebook Groups, you can read “Facebook Groups Story Collection (11 Cases)
To see how to get your Facebook Groups Posts and Comments lists, you can read “How to Get Your Facebook Groups Posts List and Comments List


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